Tag Archives: digital history

Visualizing the Past: From Paintbrush to Keyboard

The disciplines of the humanities have been around for centuries. They have grown and changed over time adapting to new technologies. In particular, the study of the humanities were most impacted by the invention of the printing press and, over … Continue reading

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Doing History in My Pajamas: Digital Resources for Local Historians

As local and regional historians we tend to have the luxury of being relatively close to the primary sources we need to do history. Each city or region is inevitably different and in turn will have different resources available to … Continue reading

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I am a Digital Historian: Now What?

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Graduate school is coming to an end I am readying myself to dive into the world of digital history. But where do I dive? How do I focus my … Continue reading

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Digital History and the Historian of the Future

Technology has changed the way that scholars do their work. Digital history is a perfect example of this. Digital technologies, and the internet in particular, now allow us to publish ideas, create archives, broadcast video and podcasts to the world. … Continue reading

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