by Logan Camporeale

Logan Camporeale

I am a broadly trained public historian with experience in local history research, archives, digital storytelling, historic preservation, community engagement, and project management. I have an M.A. in History from Eastern Washington University and I am the Volunteer Coordinator at the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture.

You can contact me via Twitter @thelocalhistory or by email at alocalhistorian[at]

Digital Portfolio


  1. Kathryn Devine

    I just read your article in Nostalgia Magazine, re: Maud Johnson. There is indeed proof of her marriage to Thomas F. Johnson. She used her middle name and her first husband’s name: Myrtle M. Mitchell married Thomas F. Johnson in Lewis County on 9/16/1906. Check it out on Washington Digital Archives:

    • Logan Camporeale

      Thank you for your comment and the link. Since writing that Nostalgia article, I have discovered an abundance of additional information about Maud including that marriage record on WSADA. I am working on a much longer piece on Maud and I will be sure to post on my blog when it is published.

  2. Michael and Felicidad Groves

    Logan, Good Wednesday morning. My wife and I moved over here from the Puget Sound-area(Kenmore, north of Seattle) this April last(the 27th), so we are still getting used to the Spokane region. While watching KHQ one morning, Sean Owsley made the comment that at one time, way back when, he thought a pilot flew a plane under the arches of the Monroe Street Bridge. Did that really happen, and when? Could you please look into that for us. Thank you!

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